
Chemical-Free Ways to Make Your Bathroom Smell Like “Fall”

cloves, anise, dried orange slices, and cinnamon sticks

With pumpkin spice and sweater weather finally here, it’s time to fill your bathroom with nostalgic, “fall” smells—and you can do it without any harmful chemicals. You may be tempted to buy those traditional air fresheners, but many add pollutants to your indoor air, including volatile organic compounds. And let’s face it: artificial scents just don’t smell as good.

With these helpful tips, you can get your bathroom smelling amazing and using all-natural methods.

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Essential Oils Are Your Friends

Essential oils can be an effective way to spice up the scent of any room, and all it takes is mixing them with a few other items you may have lying around your home for a great diffuser.

Take your favorite essential oil (in our case, we like using clove and cinnamon), and put the oil in a small bottle with a spritzing top. Then simply spray the essential oil around your bathroom. A few spritzes should be enough as essential oils can be pretty powerful. And remember: when it comes to your bathroom, cleaning and maintaining your space is the best method to avoid smelly odors and harmful bacteria growth.

Simmer Pots

While you don’t have a stovetop in your bathroom, you can quickly fill a pot with your favorite scented items like cloves, cinnamon sticks, orange slices, and maybe a slice of lemon. After finding the scent combination you love, fill the pot with enough water to cover the items and bring the water to a simmer on the stove. Keep an eye on the pot to make sure your scented items don’t burn!

Once the ingredients are simmering, pour your mixture into a heat-safe container and bring it into your bathroom. The vapors from the simmering pot will fill your bathroom and make it smell like fall in no time.

Candles Are A No Brainer

While lighting a candle might seem fairly obvious, you can find candles made from natural materials free of harsh chemicals from numerous places online or in your local stores. Burning a non-toxic candle is an easy way to make sure your bathroom smells nice throughout the day.

The World Is Your Oyster

You can find creative ways to scent your bathroom, from making a decorative centerpiece of cinnamon sticks or baking early in the morning to allow the scent of baked goods to travel around your home. While it’s not a fall smell, you can also put a little white vinegar in your toilet’s water tank to help eat away at any stinky bacteria.

No matter the season, at EZ Flow Plumbing, LLC, we can help you with all your bathroom troubles. If you have questions or need help with the plumbing in your bathroom, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (480) 351-1820

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